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In case a manufacturer needs to have BIOPREN in stock for a long period, we have prepared SBS and SEBS , 2 specific compounds which mixed in different quantities with the recycled one, can help to bring the materials back to their initial condition.

Repair SEBS

Mix of rubber, vegetable, addictive and antioxidant for SEBS , add 10-30% in the recycled material.

SEBS Thermoplastics.png


All BIOPREN blends contain inedible vegetable oils, rubber, wood and cellulose fibers from the waste process and other products of vegetable origin.


These materials do not have constant resistance to oxidation, light, bacteria and high temperatures during the work phase. For this reason it is necessary to add UV protectors and antioxidants. Exposure to low temperatures for a long time can generate the surface migration of vegetable waxes which does not change the characteristics of the final product and can be simply removed with water and dish soap.


In any case, the user of this product must carefully view the final objects produced and check if the specifications comply with the results required. Any possible color change over time is to be considered normal and confirms the natural origin of the product.


Finished materials and objects must be kept in a dry place away from light and high temperatures.


70% of the original packaging is made with recycled paper, with an internal reinforcement. You can reuse it several times thanks to its resistance.


All BIOPREN compounds are 100% vegan and the bio-based products are not derived from bacteria, single-celled organisms or algae. They are not tested on animals and there are no derivatives.


We guarantee that the quantity of vegetable, bio-based or recycled materials correspond to each declaration provided.

Productive process

As for the Thermoplastic SBS, the minimum temperature ranges from 140 ° to 170 ° Celsius. As far as SEBS is concerned, the minimum temperature ranges from 160 ° up to 180 ° Celsius.

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